


St. John Paul II College Gulu has from inception continued to build a reputable history in education. At twenty-four (24) years, we again celebrate the outcomes of quality education achieved by the development of a good balance of intellect with a social and spiritual persona, strongly founded on our core values, these values propel us to provide a holistic education built exclusively on faith, integrity, teamwork and perseverance so that we ‘Light the World’.

The celebration of these 24 years provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to look back and appreciate the college’s achievements since 2000.  From a humble beginning to an epitome of success. Indeed our success stories in the fields of Academics, Sports and discipline are doubtless a result of support from you all: the Archdiocese of Gulu, Church of Uganda Diocese of Northern Uganda, Board of Governors, and Board of Directors, school managers, parents, our old students, staff and students. Your unwavering dedication, commitment and smart work have brought us this far.

The mission of educating and transforming lives is never complete. It is time for us to plan for what is now and beyond in many aspects because the world in which our students live is fast changing and the demands of Uganda’s education system are rapidly evolving. Nevertheless, one thing never changes in our quest for excellence, which is our strong will to give our best for the success that will help learners grow and develop into responsible citizens.

We will continue to improve and develop in our pursuit to become one of the leading secondary schools in the country. This is a pledge we made and we are committed to achieving it soon.

Anecho Innocent | Headteacher

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